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Award-Winning Sustainability Initiatives

Xerox recognized as an industry leader by the EPA.

How much of an impact does committing to sustainable business practices really have on the world? You might be surprised.

Xerox is constantly innovating our products and processes to enable a circular economy. And all that work has paid off for our customers, the environment and our business.

In 2018, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized Xerox with the Electronics Challenge Champion Award for our industry-leading Green World Alliance (GWA) supplies take-back program, which helps divert used supplies from the landfill. Working with Close the Loop, we collect used toner and consumable supplies, then ensure they’re optimally recovered and reused.

The result? In 2017 alone, the Xerox GWA program reused 725 U.S. tons of material, recycled 1050 U.S. tons of material and sent 134 U.S. tons of material waste to energy.

Get involved here.

That’s not all. For two years running, the EPA has also recognized Xerox as a Gold Tier participant in their Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Electronics Challenge. The highest level of achievement an organization can receive, a Gold Tier award means that nearly 100% of the electronics that we take back go to third-party certified recyclers.

In 2018, we diverted nearly 276,000 tons of end-of-life electronics from the landfill, which helped prevent more than 724,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions from entering the atmosphere.

“Xerox’s commitment to the sustainable management of electronics demonstrates that successful business practices and environmental stewardship can go hand-in-hand,” said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “I congratulate Xerox for their leadership and commitment to recycling electronics responsibly and for creating a sustainable toner cartridge take-back program.”

We all need to do our part to innovate and commit to a sustainable future. Join us and see how we can make a greater positive impact together.

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