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Woman on a plane, using her smart phone and laptop
Cloud Content Services

Discover how your organisation can blaze past the speed of paper.

Speed Up Your Digital Transformation with the Cloud

This Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) Guide analyses how cloud solutions improve on traditional methods of digital transformation to help businesses achieve next-level ROI.

Cloud content services are helping businesses of all sizes to automate business process and improve their performance. You’ll uncover:

  • Why an increasing number of people are ditching the traditional, complex content systems and repositories

  • How you can use cloud content services to work better, help customers and save money

  • The secret to picking the right cloud content services solution for your organisation

According to Forbes, cloud services grew three times in volume in 2017 alone. Cloud solutions now account for 80% of IT budgets.

Don’t let your business get left behind. Learn how you can upgrade the way you work with this essential digital innovation in cloud content services.

Women walking down an office corridor, talking and looking at printed documents.

Managed Print Services

Vi leverer et sæt Managed Print Services (MPS)-funktioner, herunder arbejdspladsvurdering og printstyring samt digitale transformationsfunktioner.

group sitting around table

Quiz: Test Your Workplace Intelligence

Find out how your business ranks among others, and what you can do to become more efficient, productive and secure.

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