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An array of colorful print samples with metallic, fluorescent, and clear ink, printed on the Xerox Iridesse Production Press

Xerox® Iridesse® Wins Top Award for Innovation in Digital Production

The Xerox® Iridesse® Production Press has won a top prize at the 2019 European Digital Press Association Awards, taking home the EDP Cut Sheet Printer Award for Innovation in Digital Production.

Selected for industry achievements in cost, efficiency and quality, Iridesse was honoured by EDP during Europe’s largest specialty print exhibition, FESPA Global Print Expo, on Wednesday, May 15 in Munich. Iridesse is the only digital press that can print up to six colours in a single pass with precision and the ability to embellish with decorative metallic, clear and white inks. This provides more design opportunities for digital printers, while making it easier for small-sized businesses to embrace special finishes on limited print runs.

“As a creative branding agency our biggest asset is our ideas,” said Ben Glazier of creative agency Glazier Design. “The Xerox Iridesse gives us many opportunities to take new and fresh ideas out to fashion companies, retailers and other industries, who love the impact they can give to their clients, helping them to stand out and make their product better. It offers fantastically quick turnaround time, which enables us to do swift and efficient work, thereby saving client cost and time.”

Accepting EDP Award for Iridesse

IPW1 in London was one of the first clients to test the Iridesse, and the successful trial has been followed by installations across Europe including leading UK commercial printers Hickling & Squires and Hobs Repro, Italy’s Furlan Grafica, Spain’s Adaequo and ByPrint Madrid and Benelux’s Printsalon. “The Iridesse is Xerox innovation at full throttle,” said Tracey Koziol, senior vice president of Global Offerings for Xerox. “The Iridesse gives designers and digital printers the ability to diversify their offerings and grow their business with more features, better quality and greater flexibility at lower costs.”

EDP Award Winner Logo

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