Παράλειψη στο κύριο περιεχόμενοΚάντε κλικ για να δείτε τη Δήλωση μας για την Προσβασιμότητα ή επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας εάν έχετε ερωτήματα σχετικά με την προσβασιμότητα.

Person writing on a pad of paper while using a tablet, with a laptop nearby

Banking Gets Better with Xerox® DocuShare®

Volksbank Romania was buried under a mountain of paper. 8.5 million pages of loan contracts, combined with paper-heavy processing, made it difficult to process requests quickly and put a strain on their client relationships.

With Xerox® DocuShare®, Volksbank Romania now has time on their side. They can find the information they need instantly. And they have more flexibility to respond to client needs.


  • Better control over document management costs

  • Secure and accurate digital storage of sensitive documents

  • Instant access to documents and files

  • Faster and more convenient application processing

  • More flexibility to meet client needs

See how you can manage your content and processes more effectively with Xerox® DocuShare®.

Male professional using devices


The easiest way to access, share and collaborate, on-site or in the cloud.

Enterprise Content Management Insights

Explore PDFs, videos, infographics and more on this topic.

Σχετικά Άρθρα

  • Aerial view of the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh at twilight

    Η Τεράστια Προσπάθεια μιας Χώρας

    Πώς η Xerox βοήθησε την Κυβέρνηση του Μπαγκλαντές να αποτυπώσει, να αποθηκεύσει και να αναλύσει πληθυσμιακά δεδομένα, ώστε να καταφέρει να προσφέρει κοινωνικές υπηρεσίες με πιο αποτελεσματικό τρόπο σε όσους τις έχουν ανάγκη.

  • Gold stars on a black background

    Η Xerox διακρίθηκε με το βραβείο «Καλύτερη Σειρά Λογισμικού της Χρονιάς» της Buyers Lab

    Η πλατφόρμα της Xerox® DocuShare® και οι ConnectKey® εφαρμογές μάς βοήθησαν να κατακτήσουμε την ηγετική θέση στα βραβεία της χειμερινής περιόδου του 2020.

  • Office space with people walking around and sitting at their desks.

    The Verdict on Xerox® DocuShare®

    Discover how a prominent law firm maximises efficiency with Xerox DocuShare, an advanced electronic file storage and management solution. Streamlining the organisation of research files and case documents for quick retrieval.

  • Busy, fast paced office. People walking are blurred.

    How Xerox® DocuShare® helped Arbet Aménagement transform its way of working

    Find out how Xerox® DocuShare® enterprise content management software helped Arbet Aménagement to revolutionize their document retrieval processes.

  • Young girl writing in a workbook with a pencil

    Empowering Teachers

    See how Lincoln Public Schools used Xerox® DocuShare® to give teachers more time to focus on helping students.

  • Hand putting envelopes in mailbox

    DocuShare Flex not just quick solution during COVID, but an ideal service for Blaenau Gwent

    Xerox helped us implement a new system quickly and efficiently, without any significant set up time and with the immediate and continued support of the relevant people.
