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Mother reading to child

Las campañas de correo directo aún funcionan.

Lea esta historia de un cliente independiente para ver un ejemplo real.

Direct Mail Campaign Delivers Over 2,200% ROI

Listening to some marketers, it would be easy to think that all direct marketing was email these days. But hard-copy mail still has its place, especially when it can be personalized and is well-integrated with a web site.

Partou Childcare is a Netherlands-based childcare company whose revenue was threatened by declining subsidies from the government. They needed to enrol new children, and that meant reaching new parents with a message that would resonate enough for them to respond.

The campaign executed by Jubels, a Xerox Premier Partner, delivered an ROI of over 2,200%, based on new enrolments. Key to its success were:

  • Sourcing of high quality mailing lists of new parents, close to Partou’s locations.

  • Using the name of the child or family to spark initial engagement

  • Providing a personalised map of the route from the family home to the nearest Patou location – this was practical information that is key to parents’ decision-making process

  • Having an incentive to respond – who doesn’t want the chance to win an iPad?

  • Making response easy with PURLs and QR codes

Read the independent Customer Story, produced by PODi, to learn how and why the campaign worked.

Who’s who?

Jubels b.v. is a marketing communication service provider and printing company in Amsterdam, and a leading Xerox Premier Partner. With more than 110 years of experience in the Graphic Arts and Communications industry, they offer their customers effective, on-demand, integrated cross-media communications.

The Xerox Premier Partners are the world's leading printing companies in digital printing, with 730 members in 48 countries on six continents. Each Premier Partner is an expert, among the most advanced in digital printing in their country.

PODi is a global, member-supported not-for-profit organization. Its goal is to drive demand for marketing applications powered by digital print & help members build successful digital print businesses.

Happy woman opening mail in a post office

Marketing directo

Con las innovaciones en las tecnologías de impresión, la automatización y la personalización del flujo de trabajo, los especialistas en marketing están volviendo a adoptar el correo directo como una forma de lograr comunicaciones personalizadas más relevantes.

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