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Iridesse print samples
Virtual Designer Training for the Xerox® Iridesse® Production Press

Learn how to draw more eyes to your designs.

September 19, 2024 at 11am EST

Register for an upcoming designer training session and see how to add popular digital Beyond CMYK embellishments to your projects.

These monthly sessions are delivered by designers, for designers to help you correctly prepare files for Spot, Mixed Metallics, White, Clear and Fluorescent Pink including how to create blended colors on the Xerox® Iridesse® Production Press.

Questions and discussion are encouraged to learn from the facilitators and each other. Please encourage your clients and colleagues to also participate.

Design and file preparation for

  • Metallic Gold and Silver

  • Fluorescent Pink

  • White

  • Clear

  • Unique blended colors and PANTONE® matching

Duration: 120 min

iridesse print samples

What you will learn

Our Beyond CMYK Designer Sessions are led by a facilitator and an experienced designer who will show you how to:

  • Understand the technology—walk through an approachable overview of Beyond CMYK tech and techniques

  • Up-level existing jobs—evaluate common jobs to see how they can become more engaging with embellishments; review best practices for prepping files

  • Create new jobs in Adobe® Creative Cloud—walk through spot, blended color and custom photo enhancement examples with an experienced designer to learn

What you will get

After your session, you will receive:

  • Links to related resources, including our Global Directory of print providers with Beyond CMYK-enabled Iridesse Production Presses

  • A recording of the session that can be reviewed or shared

iriidesse training

Register now

See how to add popular digital Beyond CMYK embellishments to your projects. 

Thank you for registering. Your digital embellishment designer journey starts now!

We’ll email you. Please check your SPAM folder.

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