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Man with tablet with the interior of a factory in the background

Making Government Programs Work Better with Xerox® Capture & Content Services

The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) needed to find a way to improve the targeting of public social safety net (SSN) programs to ensure benefits reached those who needed them most. Read the case study to see how Xerox® Capture & Content Services helped.

With Xerox® Capture & Content Services, BBS has digitized its census forms and created a government database of those living in poverty. Improving the equity, efficiency and transparency of major social safety net programs.

Read the Case Study


  • 45M questionnaires printed over six months

  • 76M document images processed over six months

  • Easy access to digital questionnaires

  • 100% control and monitoring of processes and performance statistics

See how Xerox® Capture & Content Services can help your organization redefine the way you interact with content and use data more effectively.

Taking a picture on a phone of a piece of paper.

Servicios de captura y contenido de Xerox®

El mundo se está acelerando. ¿Acaso no debería hacer lo mismo la forma en que trabajamos?

Capture & Content Services Resources

Información sobre captura y contenido

Explore archivos PDF, videos, infografías y más acerca de este tema.

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