Siirry pääsisältöönTarkastele esteettömyysilmoitustamme napsauttamalla tätä tai ota meihin yhteyttä, jos sinulla on kysyttävää esteettömyydestä.

Connect With Your Documents, Wherever Workflow Takes You

Easily connect to cloud workflow via apps at your MFP. Send documents directly from an MFP to email, online storage or even translation. The app-based ConnectKey® screen looks so much like a smartphone, you might forget it’s your smart MFP.

Xerox® ConnectKey® Technology and the Apps Advantage YouTube Video

Xerox® ConnectKey® connects your paper and digital workplace.

Xerox ConnectKey brings digital transformation to your document workflows, devices and users. Make it your interface between paper and digital.

Want to discuss how ConnectKey can improve your workflow?

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