Siirry pääsisältöönTarkastele esteettömyysilmoitustamme napsauttamalla tätä tai ota meihin yhteyttä, jos sinulla on kysyttävää esteettömyydestä.

View from the ground to the top of several skyscrapers, with clouds above

Xerox ranks high in Fortune’s “World’s Most Admired Companies” list for 2017, taking third place in Computers.

We’re honored to be named again to Fortune’s “World’s Most Admired Companies” list—a testament to our ongoing leadership, innovation and corporate citizenship. Year after year, these qualities earn the respect of our peers.

For 2017, we ranked third in the Computers industry behind Apple (#1) and Dell (#2), and ahead of Canon, HP and Ricoh. We’re up from a #14 ranking in 2016.

Around 3,900 executives, analysts, directors and experts voted in Fortune’s Most Admired Companies survey, earning Xerox an overall score of 6.13.

Key factors attributing to our reputation as one of the best-regarded companies in our industry include: innovation, use of corporate assets, social responsibility, quality of management, and quality of products/services.

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