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Mother reading to child

Impression de production

Découvrez comment Partou Childcare a considérablement augmenté ses taux d'inscription, grâce à une campagne de publipostage et d'Internet extrêmement personnalisée.


28 août 2021

Hand putting envelopes in mailbox

Enterprise Content Management

Xerox helped us implement a new system quickly and efficiently, without any significant set up time and with the immediate and continued support of the relevant people.

Étude de cas

1 juil. 2021

Office space with people walking around and sitting at their desks.

Enterprise Content Management

Discover how a prominent law firm maximises efficiency with Xerox DocuShare, an advanced electronic file storage and management solution. Streamlining the organisation of research files and case documents for quick retrieval.

Étude de cas

15 juin 2021

Xerox VersaLink touchscreen with computers on tables in the background


Highly configurable and cloud-connected, VersaLink workplace assistants are ready to work today, grow tomorrow.


10 juin 2021

man typing on laptop keyboard

Services financiers

Banks, insurers, and other financial services firms need to adjust to new customer expectations. Learn more about the state of digital transformation and the future of the banking and insurance industries.


8 juin 2021

A face mask being made out of a printer filter on a sewing machine

A propos de Xerox

When the call went out at Xerox to think about new ways to use materials on hand to help the coronavirus humanitarian effort, Mark Adiletta, long-time Xerox engineering manager, had a crazy thought: What if we use printer filters to make medical-grade fac


26 mai 2021

people using computers at a desk

Service de gestion d'impression

Xerox® Managed Print Services and back-office transformation help make Sandwell a better place to live and work.

Étude de cas

13 mai 2021

Doctor showing a patient a chart on a tablet

Service de gestion d'impression

Oxleas NHS got rid of 640 unnecessary print devices and improved document security with our Managed Print Services. 

Étude de cas

13 mai 2021

CK Office Hidden Threats

Service de gestion d'impression

Printing often flies under the radar when companies are assessing security threats.


13 mai 2021