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Man with tablet with the interior of a factory in the background

Capture et gestion de contenu

See how this organisation is using information more strategically with Xerox® Capture & Content Services.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

Person comparing print samples to a swatchbook

Petites et moyennes entreprises

Optimize your product's color matching potential by downloading a PANTONE color chart.


2 mai 2021

graph expo color swatches

Petites et moyennes entreprises

Download a printable color wheel reference guide to understand and improve color printing results.


2 mai 2021

global professional services journey paperless future

Petites et moyennes entreprises

A carefully crafted letter presented on attractive letterhead can be a powerful communication tool.


2 mai 2021

05 b400 printer better for business


Many printers have duplex printing capability, meaning they can print on both sides of a page.


2 mai 2021

mobile printing made easy v2


Securely print from practically everywhere, to almost anywhere, with Xerox mobile printing solutions. 


2 mai 2021

Coworkers looking at printed reports

Logiciel de workflow d’impression de production

Print businesses who combine web-to-print with management information systems unlock the secret to productivity.


2 mai 2021

Black and white photo of a white horse, with the word "Equine"

Impression de production

Award-winning ink’s striking contrast proves special effects aren’t just for Hollywood.


2 mai 2021

strategies for selling variable data

Impression de production

It’s time to take a different route to selling variable data printing


2 mai 2021