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Pagina 4/12

Print sample by Print Panther from their Iridesse Production Press - a colorful pamphlet

Productie print

Embellishments are no longer just for luxury brands. Learn how Print Panther use digital embellishments to create "Print that people keep".


13 jul 2023

Print samples showing cosmetics boxes

Productie print

Beyond CMYK technology allowed Zuzu Print to keep 100% of their embellishment work in house—resulting in an astonishing 40% gain in profit.


21 dec 2022

eprint team

Productie print

Learn how ePrint expanded their business with new offerings, and boosted profits by keeping more work in-house, especially offset and metallic stamping processes.


8 sep 2022

Two women operating a printer

Productie print

Learn how the Xerox® Baltoro® HF Inkjet Press increased capacity by 109%, delivering high-speed performance, exceptional value and brilliant colour.


28 jun 2022

Woman in a print shop standing and working on a computer

Productie print

Ontario-based print shop can take on any print job now they have added an inkjet digital press to their fleet.


21 apr 2022

Two women looking at computer monitors together

Productie print

Frisco Independent School District print shop adds affordable colour with room to grow with inkjet digital presses.


20 apr 2022

4 icons representing 4 Strategies for a more flexible, future-proof print operation

Productie print

The switch from offset to digital is continuing. Position your print shop for the growth in diverse, short-run jobs.


14 apr 2022

Fluorescent print samples by Xerox

Productie print

Turn potential into profit. Meet the demand for print that “pops” with revenue-driving digital embellishments.


23 feb 2022

Photo of a highway underpass at night with streaking car headlights and taillights

Productie print

Laat workflows voor u werken. Feedback uit de echte wereld over Xerox® workflow oplossingen.


17 nov 2021