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Financial meeting

Financial Firm Recovers from Disaster with Xerox® DocuShare®

In the events of September 11, 2001, Mizuho Capital Markets Corporation lost every piece of hardware and paper in its World Trade Center office in New York City — including 11 years of paper trade confirmations.

With Xerox® DocuShare®, Mizuho has made a full recovery. It’s safeguarded its important documents, and traders can now work more efficiently — searching thousands of files in seconds and securely transmitting information to any location.


  • Reduced space needs with digital document storage

  • Instant access to more than 50,000 files

  • Efficient and secure information transmission around the globe

  • Multiple levels of security and permission controls protect sensitive information

See how you can manage your content and processes more effectively with Xerox® DocuShare®.

Male professional using devices

Xerox® DocuShare®

De gemakkelijkste manier om onsite of in de cloud toegang te krijgen, te delen en samen te werken.

Inzichten in Enterprise Content Management

Verken pdf‘s, video‘s, infographics en meer over dit onderwerp.

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    DocuShare Flex not just quick solution during COVID, but an ideal service for Blaenau Gwent

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