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Side 4/5

Open office with 3 people working at desks

Små og mellomstore bedrifter

The right partner makes all the difference.


2. mai 2021

Person comparing print samples to a swatchbook

Små og mellomstore bedrifter

Optimize your product's color matching potential by downloading a PANTONE color chart.


2. mai 2021

graph expo color swatches

Små og mellomstore bedrifter

Download a printable color wheel reference guide to understand and improve color printing results.


2. mai 2021

global professional services journey paperless future

Små og mellomstore bedrifter

A carefully crafted letter presented on attractive letterhead can be a powerful communication tool.


2. mai 2021

color paper clips

Små og mellomstore bedrifter

Using color to share knowledge can help capture attention, enhance productivity and improve communications.


2. mai 2021

bli software v2 2

Små og mellomstore bedrifter

For the 4th year in a row, Xerox wins the coveted Document Imaging Software Line of the Year award from BLI.


2. mai 2021

man typing on laptop

Små og mellomstore bedrifter

Learn how today’s remote worker – and employers – can use today’s apps and remote working tools to work smarter, and more efficiently.


2. mai 2021

Hands typing on a laptop, with coffee cup, glasses, smartphone, and pen at the side

Små og mellomstore bedrifter

Keep your printer performance high with our printer care tips.


2. mai 2021

Coworkers in front of a computer, at a large desk, with people walking by

Små og mellomstore bedrifter

Here’s the top five printing snags and our quick-fix remedies to solve them.


2. mai 2021