Przejdź do treści zasadniczejW razie pytań dotyczących ułatwień dostępu należy zapoznać się z treścią odpowiedniego oświadczenia (po kliknięciu) albo skontaktować się z nami.


Przeszukaj naszą bazę wiedzy i faktów na użytek swoich badań.


Strona 17/31

Meeting table with laptop, coffee, smartphones, and notebooks, overlaid with an icon of a hand touching a smartphone

Druk produkcyjny

Cross-media marketing services can counteract the decline in print volumes. See the trends that print providers need to jump on today to grow profit.


3 maj 2021

Man with a rolling cart moving large stacks of paper, overlaid with gear icons

Druk produkcyjny

With cost pressures squeezing cents and dollars from margins, the print technology you invest in needs to work harder than ever to pull its weight.


3 maj 2021

A man working on a laptop next to a window

Elastyczne modele pracy

Simple Ways to Stay Focused and Productive


3 maj 2021

Woman looking at data screens

O firmie Xerox

Data protection requires more than a single solution. We take a comprehensive view that blends innovation and expertise in work processes.


2 maj 2021

Person in a blazer with frilly sleeves reviewing books of print samples

Druk produkcyjny

Arkitektkopia, headquarted in Stockholm, have embraced the latest printing and automation software technologies from Xerox to meet their clients' needs.

Analiza przypadku

2 maj 2021

People looking through a wall of digital images


Envisioning a Better Future - Harnessing the Power of Computer Vision


2 maj 2021

Scientist at work


What does it take to be one of the top global innovators? A commitment to never stop asking questions.


2 maj 2021

Blue blocks on a circuit board


Innovating with a Purpose - Pushing the Limits of Innovation


2 maj 2021

Digital bar chart


Here’s where you will find the next breakout technologies for Xerox, as well as your own company.


2 maj 2021