Przejdź do treści zasadniczejW razie pytań dotyczących ułatwień dostępu należy zapoznać się z treścią odpowiedniego oświadczenia (po kliknięciu) albo skontaktować się z nami.


Przeszukaj naszą bazę wiedzy i faktów na użytek swoich badań.


Strona 28/31

An open book with the title "Art of the possible, chapter two" on the right page and a colorful picture with a rainbow, sun, sky and wizard on the left page.

Druk produkcyjny

After extensive research, Hobs Repro replaced two of their HP Indigo printers with the Xerox® Iridesse Production Press.

Analiza przypadku

2 maj 2021

coworkers viewing tablet

Usługi zarządzania wydrukiem

What you don’t know across devices, users, documents and processes is costing you more than you think.


2 maj 2021

woman checking her phone


Boost your knowledge and fortify your preventative measures now by learning about today’s biggest small business security threats and the solid solutions to shut them down.


2 maj 2021

View of the hands of coworkers with electronic devices and color swatches, overlaid with reflections of a digital readout


Find out what Digital Transformation means, how it impacts you, and most importantly, why you must embrace it now.


2 maj 2021

smartphone with app icons

Usługi zarządzania wydrukiem

Xerox® ConnectKey® Technology addresses the needs of the modern workplace to improve productivity and security.


2 maj 2021

An array of colorful print samples with metallic, fluorescent, and clear ink, printed on the Xerox Iridesse Production Press

Druk produkcyjny

The European Digital Press Association honored Iridesse for achievement in cost, efficiency and quality.


2 maj 2021

Two colleagues doing a fist bump

O firmie Xerox

We align our reputation with our brand through providing authentic, ethical and valuable initiatives.


2 maj 2021

Digital Printing Production

Druk produkcyjny

Wisconsin print shop speeds up prep time so they can handle more jobs each day.

Analiza przypadku

2 maj 2021

Professionals in a meeting room looking at printed reports

Usługi zarządzania wydrukiem

See how our European partners help their customers to realise their transformation goals.

Analiza przypadku

2 maj 2021