Przejdź do treści zasadniczejW razie pytań dotyczących ułatwień dostępu należy zapoznać się z treścią odpowiedniego oświadczenia (po kliknięciu) albo skontaktować się z nami.


Przeszukaj naszą bazę wiedzy i faktów na użytek swoich badań.


Strona 29/31

Infographic of an iceberg in the ocean, showing what's under the surface as well as the part above water

Druk produkcyjny

The Total Cost of Ownership of an Inkjet Press


2 maj 2021

Woman in business suit using a tablet next to a Xerox MFP


Learn how smart MFPs and printers with advanced user experience enable and drive digital transformation.


2 maj 2021

People working at a table with color swatches

Druk produkcyjny

Commercial printing produces a range of professional quality printed materials with the latest print production technologies


2 maj 2021

aerospace learning partner training case study

Druk produkcyjny

By working with the right print solutions provider, you’ll create stunning prints and communications that get results.


2 maj 2021

Young man using a laptop with a night time cityscape in the background


Place a wireless printer wherever it’s most convenient for you, and then print easily from any device, anywhere.


2 maj 2021

Woman with coffee, in front of a chalkboard, looking at a table covered with colorful print samples

Druk produkcyjny

This white paper is designed to give you the technical facts and key features of the Xerox® Versant® 3100 Press

Biała księga

2 maj 2021

Paper running through a cut sheet digital press

Druk produkcyjny

This White Paper from Keypoint Intelligence examines the value of cut-sheet inkjet and gives its assessment of the Xerox Brenva.  

Biała księga

2 maj 2021

happy woman laptop

Elastyczne modele pracy

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all facets of life as we know it. The Future of Work Survey, new global research commissioned by Xerox, was designed to uncover how IT decision makers are addressing major considerations in a highly fluid environment.

Biała księga

2 maj 2021

A digital fingerprint with a lock icon over a lit-up computer chip

Elastyczne modele pracy

Many businesses have employees that are now working work home for the foreseeable future. Help them manage their network security.


2 maj 2021