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Get a competitive advantage through digital transformation.

Understanding and questioning processes is the first step toward future-proofing your organization.

IDC InfoBrief: Digital Transformation

This exclusive IDC InfoBrief examines how the latest disruptive technologies are fueling a revolution in digital transformation.

Discover how new technologies can help you reshape how your business functions to reach higher efficiency, productivity and security and sharpen your competitive edge:

  • Cloud, mobility and big data: Streamline existing business processes and open up an entire spectrum of new processes

  • Information, analytics and insights: Achieve the right physical/virtual balance across people, technology and workplaces

  • Workflow automation and AI: Strengthen security and reduce costs by breaking down silos, capturing unstructured information and converting information into high-value, actionable data

By 2021, 60% of G2000 companies will have adopted a digital/physical balanced intelligent workplace. Stay ahead of your competition.

É possível criar organizações preparadas para o futuro? Uma visão da IDC YouTube Video

Learn how your company can build out the best processes and leverage the latest innovations to create a future-proof and intelligent workplace.

Fill out the form below to access the exclusive IDC InfoBrief.

Thank you for your interest. We’ve sent you an email with a link to download your exclusive IDC InfoBrief.

Women walking down an office corridor, talking and looking at printed documents.

Serviços de Gerenciamento de Impressão

Fornecemos um conjunto de recursos essenciais de Serviços de Impressão Gerenciados (MPS), incluindo avaliações no local de trabalho e gerenciamento de impressão, além de recursos de transformação digital.

Can you boost your workplace intelligence?

Request a workplace assessment from Xerox.

Informações sobre os Serviços de Impressão Gerenciada

Explore PDFs, vídeos, infográficos e muito mais sobre este tópico.

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