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Three men in an office with lots of windows, looking at a pad of paper, with a Xerox MFP in the background

Free up cash for growth with Managed Print Services

The more cash you can free from your operations, the more you can invest in growth. And there’s a big opportunity just waiting to be seized: your print environment.

Get the guide to see how Xerox® Managed Print Services can return large sums of money to your business by transforming four aspects of your print operations:

  • Device management: Entrust your print operations to an expert partner for immediate gains

  • Fleet optimization: Use only the devices you need (and let the rest retire in peace)

  • Process efficiency: Make printing faster and easier, and printer downtime a thing of the past

  • Document management: Swap paper processes for digital and watch your operating costs tick down – and your productivity soar

See how City of New York, Europart, IHS and Cal’ State University are saving 6- and 7-figure sums with Xerox MPS – and find out how we can help you do the same.

4 Ways a Smarter Approach to Print Can Reduce Costs from Xerox

Informações sobre os Serviços de Impressão Gerenciada

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    Managed Print Services (MPS) Premier Webinar

    Join us for a Xerox Premier Webinar to learn how to create a more agile, future-ready workplace.
