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Case Study: UK Insurance Company Gets Digital Transformation


Every day this insurance company receives thousands of documents — forms, letters, checks, photographs, even video — from corporate and individual customers. Looking back almost ten years, the company wasn’t able to deliver the response times it wanted. It had purely manual mail handling processes that weren’t just slow, but also costly in terms of the manpower required to manage the volumes. The insurer’s slow speed of response was having a negative effect on customer satisfaction and retention, hampering its ability to compete effectively in the insurance marketplace.


The insurer chose to implement a Xerox digital mailroom service and document management solution. It was impressed with the technology, the speed at which Xerox could deliver the solution and service, and Xerox's experience with other financial service organizations. The insurer also independently reviewed the entire Xerox supplier delivery chain to ensure that it met its ethical standards.


Without disruption to the business, the insurer has gone from highly manual, paper-based processes to highly automated, digitized ones. Xerox indexes all incoming mail and adds it to the document management system, which is integrated with the company’s claims management, customer service and back-office systems so that it can automate and optimize its workflows.

View the UK Insurance Company case study

Women walking down an office corridor, talking and looking at printed documents.

Serviços de Impressão Gerenciada da Xerox®

Productive employees, efficient workplaces, and secure data, documents, and devices.

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