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Three Steps to Efficient Global Printing

Three steps to efficient global printing at Roche YouTube Video

Global pharmaceutical titan Roche had a problem. It had 8,000+ printers and 85 different models spanning dozens of German locations. They could not tell who was using what, when, or how much. IT support costs were spiking, while toner and maintenance costs were unknowns.

So, they partnered with Xerox, the #1 leader in Managed Print Services to execute a plan to streamline the printer fleet and automate supplies replenishment and maintenance.

The results?

Xerox reduced Roche’s printer fleet by 70% and installed the Follow-You Printing® solution so employees now print to whichever printer location is most convenient. Toner levels are now monitored automatically and replenished only as needed — so employees can focus on the core business — and Roche no longer ties up capital in unused toner.

Watch Three steps to efficient global printing at Roche to learn more about how streamlining printer hardware, automating maintenance, and enabling access on-the-go can help keep your print environment efficient and effective.

Women walking down an office corridor, talking and looking at printed documents.

Servicii de gestionare a imprimării

Vă oferim un set de capacități esențiale pentru Servicii de gestionare a imprimării (MPS), inclusiv evaluări ale locului de muncă și gestionarea imprimării, dar și capacități de transformare digitală.

Opinii despre Servicii de management al imprimării

PDF-uri, video-uri, infografice și multe altele despre acest subiect.

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