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Newsweek names DocuShare and Managed Print Services to 2019 list of Best Business Tools

Newsweek recently released its list of America’s Best Business Tools of 2019, highlighting the importance of technological tools in a time when businesses of all sizes face disruption all around the world. The nationwide survey names Xerox among the top 10 Document Management Software (DMS) providers, and in an even shorter list of Enterprise Content Management (EMC) providers. Xerox® DocuShare®, with content management platforms for large enterprise and small and medium businesses, was also recognized as a Gen Z favourite with the highest score among the Gen Z users surveyed.

Xerox® Managed Print Services also ranked among the best in its category. Our Managed Print Services model continues to grow with robust Managed Print Services around security, digitisation, cloud, analytics and ConnectKey technology.

Newsweek and Statista Inc., a globally recognised data research company, surveyed more than 10,000 professional users and 1,500 Gen Z users, the latest generation graduating from college and entering the workforce, to name the top providers of business software and software services in 54 categories.

Learn more about the survey and the full list of America’s Best Business Tools 2019.

Recognition and Awards

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    EPA Recognizes Xerox for Sustainability Leadership

    See how innovative programs at Xerox can help ensure a better world for future generations.

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