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Xerox® Multifunction Copiers Are Your Pathway to Digital Productivity

Today, Xerox copier machines do more than just print copies. Office copiers are now multifunction printer/copier/scanner/fax/all-in-one machines, and they’re ideal for digitising documents and workflows.

The Rise of the Multifunction Printer / All in One

Standalone devices, like copiers or fax machines, are relics of the past. That’s because office workers now demand more from their tools and their workspaces. Space-saving multifunction printers (MFPs) perform all the tasks that standalone copiers, fax machines, printers and scanners used to perform individually. But MFPs do so faster, more easily, and more connectedly than standalone copiers and other devices ever could.

View Xerox MFPs

ConnectKey®-enabled MFPs

A new breed of MFPs takes connectivity even further. Xerox® ConnectKey®-enabled MFPs turn your multifunction printer / copier into a smart workplace assistant through:

See ConnectKey MFPs

xerox connectkey apps print scan cloud

Digital Workflow for the Digital Age

You used to press a button on your Xerox copier and multiple, collated copies would land in the tray. Now you can press, tap or swipe an icon on an MFP’s touchscreen and set a complete, digital workflow into motion. What do we mean by “digital workflow”? Here are a few examples:

  • Route documents for electronic signature or approval.

  • Automate repetitive processes.

  • Create custom flows that integrate with back-office systems.

  • Scan stacks of paper into digital files that are easy to search, share and store.

  • Print from or scan to cloud-based repositories.

While offices are not yet paperless, they are moving toward less paper. Digitising workflows with Xerox MFPs is a great way to get there.

Learn How to Digitize Workflows

Contact Us

Learn more about Xerox multifunction printer/copier/scanner/fax/all-in-one machines, and the document management solutions they empower.

Contact us online to learn more.

Xerox VersaLink touchscreen with computers on tables in the background

Семейство принтеров и МФУ Xerox® VersaLink®

Принтеры и МФУ Xerox® VersaLink форматов A4 и A3 с технологией ConnectKey® существенно повышают производительность на рабочем месте, предоставляя новые способы решения старых задач, эффективно и безопасно трансформируя современную рабочую среду.

Широкий модельный ряд устройств этого раздела каталога Xerox включает в себя как монохромные, так и цветные модели форматов А3 и А4.

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