Extended Clone Details
The Extended Clone Details page displays information about the latest installation of a clone file.
At the top of the page, the status area displays the name of the clone file, the most recent installation date, and the status of the installation. The possible statuses include:
Clone file failed to install: The clone file installation failed.
Clone file installed successfully: The clone file installed without exceptions.
Clone file installed with exceptions: The clone file installed with an exception in at least one area.
The Area table lists the cloned features with the status for each feature.
Note:The areas listed depend on the groups included in the clone file. A clone file that includes all groups contains many areas. A clone file that includes fewer groups contains fewer areas.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Properties > Fleet Orchestrator.
2. In the Configuration Files area, for Clone, click View.
3. To filter the list, select an option:
To display all status information, select Show All.
To display status information for areas that installed with exceptions, select Exceptions Only.
4. For information about exceptions, click Troubleshooting.
5. Click Close.