Configuring User Prompts
You can customize accounting prompts. An accounting prompt is the text that prompts users to enter accounting information at the control panel. You can enable up to two prompts, as your validation server requires. For example, if your company uses a unique numeric identifier for each department, you can use that number as the accounting code. Then, you can customize the prompt text to ask users for a Department ID Code, rather than a User ID or Account ID.
Note:Not all options listed are supported on all devices. Some options apply only to a specific device model, configuration, operating system, or driver type.
To customize accounting prompts:
1. On the Accounting Methods page, for User Accounting Prompts, click Edit.
2. To display prompt 1 or 2, for Display Prompt, select Yes. To hide prompts, select No.
3. For Label and Default Value, type the text that you want to appear at the control panel.
4. To hide text typed at the control panel, for Mask Entries, select Yes. Asterisks * replace any characters typed in the field.
5. For Prompt Options, select a Preset option from the list, or select Prompt, No Prompt, or Color Prompting for each app as needed.
6. For Prompt Options, for Presets, for ConnectKey Apps option, select Prompt or No Prompt.
The selected Prompt options are applied to all ConnectKey Apps as a group.
Note:ConnectKey Apps row is always visible, even if there are no ConnectKey Apps installed.
7. Click Save.
Note:When prompts are turned off, jobs that do not contain an accounting ID are tracked with a generic code.