Managing Access to the Stock Library
The administrator can specify whether the Stock Library is accessible to users logged in as Operator. By default, the Stock Library tab appears on the main screen for all users. The Administrator can choose to hide the Stock Library tab for users that are not logged in as Administrator.
To restrict access to the Stock Library:
1. From the Control Center, click Log In, then log in as the Administrator.
2. Click Administration.
3. On the System Settings window, click User Interface.
4. For Manage Stock Library Window, select an option:
Allow Casual User Access: This option is the default setting. When this option is selected, all users have access to the Stock Library. Additionally, the PredictPrint Stock Library tab or the Manage Stock Library tab appears on the main Control Center window.
Note:Based on the software version installed on your press, either the PredictPrint Stock Library tab or the Manage Stock Library tab appears.
Restrict Casual User Access: When this option is selected, the PredictPrint Stock Library tab or the Manage Stock Library tab does not appear on the main screen for the Operator. Access to the Stock Library is available only when the Administrator is logged in.
5. To save your changes and close the System Settings window, click OK.
6. To exit the Administrator mode, click User: Administrator, then click Log Out.