When jams occur, an error message appears on the Control Center. To clear the jam, follow the instructions in the message.
Procedures to clear jams refer to the specific transport to clear by area number. When clearing the fault, you can identify areas of the modules by their number labels on green handles or on green labels. Each module has its own area numbers. For example, Feeder Area 1, IOM Area 1, and Stacker Area 1. To ensure that you clear the correct transport, make note of the module that has the jam. Clear all areas before resetting. Any uncleared sheets can cause another shutdown the next time you start the Production Press.
When a fault occurs, such as media jams, open doors or covers, or a Production Press malfunction, the following actions occur:
The Production Press stops running and an error message appears on the Production Press User Interface screen.
The message provides an illustration that shows the location of the fault and brief actions for clearing the fault.
When a fault occurs in an optional device, the illustration shows the multiple locations of the fault and the required corrective actions.
Note:You can find step-by-step recovery instructions on the inside the front cover of each optional device.
When clearing media jams, always refer to the following information:
When removing jams, do not power off the Production Press.
If you power off the Production Press, all stored information in the system memory gets erased.
Before you resume printing jobs, clear all jams.
To avoid print defects, do not touch components inside the Production Press.
Use care when removing the media to avoid tearing it. If the media tears, remove all torn pieces.
Before printing jobs, check that you removed all jams, including any small ripped pieces of media.
As long as a jam exists, an error message remains on the display. To clear any remaining jams, for instructions and information, refer to the Production Press User Interface screen.
After removing all jams, close all doors and covers. When doors or covers are open, the Production Press cannot print.
After clearing a jam, printing automatically resumes from the state before the jam occurred.
If all media jams are not cleared, an error message remains on the User Interface screen. To clear any remaining jams, for instructions and information, refer to the User Interface screen.
Also, if a fault occurs with an optional device, an indicator illuminates on the device control panel and shows the corresponding area on the device where the fault occurred.