Enabling Automatic Software Upgrade
You can configure the device to connect to an FTP directory on your network to update the device software. To use this feature, download the latest software file, then copy it to an FTP server. After the software upgrade completes, the device retains all configured network settings and installed options.
Note:You can use the file-sharing function of Fleet Orchestrator to manage clone files and 1-Touch Add-On files. You can manage software upgrades using either the Fleet Orchestrator file-sharing function, or automatic software upgrades with FTP. It is recommended that you use only one software-upgrade method.
To schedule automatic upgrades:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Properties > Fleet Orchestrator.
2. Click Create/Install File > Install a File.
3. Click Automatic Software Upgrade.
4. To change the installation policy, in the Details area for Installation Policy, click the current policy setting. Change the policy as needed.
5. In the Schedule area, select Enabled.
6. For Refresh Start Time, select Hourly or Daily. If you select Daily, type the time in hours and minutes.
7. Enter the FTP server information:
a. In the Connection area, for Host, select the address type. The options are IPv4, IPv6, or Host Name.
b. For Host, type the appropriately formatted address and port number of the server where the upgrade software is located. The default port number is 21.
c. For Directory Path, type the full path to the .dlm software upgrade file on the server.
d. For Login Name, type the name that the device uses to access the server.
e. Type the password, then type the password again to verify.
f. To update an existing password, select Save Password.
8. Click Save.