Xerox : Initial Setup : Installation Wizard : Using the Installation Wizard
Using the Installation Wizard
If the Auto-Assembly feature is enabled for your organization in Fleet Orchestrator, in the Installation Wizard, a device can join the Publisher automatically. After a device joins the fleet, the device checks for a clone file automatically. For more information, refer to Fleet Orchestrator.
To use the initial Installation Wizard:
1. To select a language, the date and time settings, and any applicable options, follow the wizard prompts.
Note:If a network connection is not detected, an alert notifies you. Ensure that your network cable, or Wireless Network Adapter, is connected securely.
2. Complete the Additional Install Options fields.
To add phone numbers for support or supplies contacts, touch Contact Numbers.
To assign a static IP address, or to change the default dynamic addressing settings, touch IP Address Settings.
To configure basic embedded fax settings, touch Fax Setup.
Note:You can complete the Additional Install Options fields later.
3. To complete the configuration using a clone file, follow the steps in this task. To complete the configuration without using a clone file, skip to step 4.
a. At the prompt, insert a USB flash drive into a USB port.
b. Select the clone file, then click Install.
c. At the confirmation prompt, click Install, then wait a few seconds.
Note:If your clone file contains an administrator password, the password in the clone file replaces the default administrator password.
4. To complete the installation without a clone file:
a. For Paper Size Preference, set the paper size.
b. For Device Information, select a setting.
c. Change the password for the administrator account. To leave the password at the default setting, click Skip. You can change the password later.
Note:When you first attempt to log in to the Embedded Web Server with the default administrator password, the device prompts you to change the password. For details, refer to Accessing the Embedded Web Server as a System Administrator.
5. At the Device Setup Complete screen, follow the onscreen instructions, then click Restart.