Xerox : Scanning : Scanning to a User Home Folder
Scanning to a User Home Folder
You can use the Scan to Home feature to scan to the home folder, as defined in your LDAP directory, or to a shared network folder.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Properties > Apps.
2. Click Scan to Home > General.
3. In the Setup area, configure the following items:
a. For Status, click Enabled.
b. Type a Friendly Name. The Friendly Name is the default description of the workflow that appears when you select the workflow from the list at the control panel.
c. Type a Workflow Name. The Workflow Name is the name of the workflow that appears in the list of workflows at the control panel. If you leave this field blank, the workflow name defaults to @S2HOME.
4. In the File Path area, configure the following items:
a. For Home Directory, select an option:
To scan to the home folder defined in an LDAP directory, select LDAP Query.
To scan to a shared network folder, select No LDAP Query, then type the complete network path of the external server. For example, type \\servername\foldername.
b. If you created a subdirectory, specify your existing directory structure. For Sub-Directory, configure the following:
To create a subdirectory in the network home path, for Subdirectory, type a network path. For example, to scan to \\servername\foldername\subdirectoryfoldername, type \subdirectoryfoldername.
To store scanned images in folders that are named according to each user on your network home path, select Append User Name to Path. An example path is \\servername\foldername\username. The user name is the name used when logging in to the control panel.
To create individual folders for each user, select Automatically Create User Name directory if one does not exist.
5. To resolve the remote location to an IP address in the device before the device saves it to its SMB configuration file for Scan to Home for multifunction printers, enable Resolve Hostname.
Scans are filed using the SMB filing protocol.
Note:To save the remote location directly without hostname resolution to the SMB configuration file of the device for Scan to Home, disable Resolve Hostname. By default, Resolve Hostname is enabled.
6. If network authentication is configured to use a Kerberos server, and you want to modify the Kerberos settings, click the link Prefer Filing with Kerberos Ticket. Kerberos Tickets let you use the SMB protocol without selecting login credentials.
7. For Login Credentials to Access the Destination, select an option:
Authenticated User and Domain: This option instructs the device to use the user name and domain of the logged-in user when accessing the repository.
Logged-in User: This option instructs the device to log in to the repository using the credentials of the logged-in user.
Prompt at User Interface: This option instructs the device to prompt users at the control panel for the repository credentials.
Device: This option instructs the device to use specific credentials when accessing the repository. If you select Device, type the credentials in the Login Name and Password fields. To update an existing password, select Select to save new password.
8. To save a copy of the job log in the scan repository, for Save Job Log (.XST) in Repository, select Enable.
9. Click Apply.