Deleting Scanned Files
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Properties > Apps.
2. Click Scan to Mailbox > Files.
3. To remove the files from the server immediately, select an option.
To delete all files on the server, select Delete all files now.
To delete files older than a specified number of days, select Delete all files older than. Type how many days old files must be for deletion.
4. Click Delete Files.
5. For Schedule Clean Up of Folder Files, specify the files that you want to delete. Type how many days old files must be for deletion.
6. For Cleanup time, select an option.
To have files deleted at the beginning of every hour, select Hourly.
To specify the time of day for the delete process to run, select Daily, then type the number of days.
7. Click Save.
Note:You can also delete scanned files from the Scan tab.