Configuring IPSec
Note: Secure HTTP (SSL) must be enabled with an installed digital certificate before you can enable IPsec.
1. In CentreWare® Internet Services, click Properties > Security > IPSec.
2. Next to Protocol, select Enabled.
3. Select the IKE Authentication Method, Preshared Key or Digital Signature.
4. If you select Preshared Key, type the Shared Key and retype the key to verify.
5. Type the IKE SA Life Time (5-28800 minutes).
6. Type the IPSec SA Life Time (300-172800 minutes).
7. Select the DH Group type.
8. Enable PFS if necessary.
9. Type the Specific Destination IPv4 Address.
10. Type the Specific Destination IPv6 Address.
11. To restrict the press from communicating with devices that are not using IPSec, select Disabled next to Communicate with Non-IP Sec Device.
12. Click Apply to accept the changes or Undo to retain the previous settings.