Місткість |
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
Formatted Part Number (e.g. 860/MB, 436-0412-00) | Опис | Місткість |
VersaLinkC500/505 Високопотужний картридж з блакитним тонером
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
VersaLink C500/505 Стандартна ємність чорний картридж з тонером
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
VersaLinkC500/505 Високопотужний картридж з маджента-тонером
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
VersaLink C500/505 стандартної ємності жовтого тонера картриджа
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
VersaLinkC500/505 Високопотужний картридж з блакитним тонером
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
VersaLinkC500/505 Високопотужний картридж з жовтим тонером
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
VersaLinkC500/505 Високопотужний картридж з жовтим тонером
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
VersaLink C500/505, картридж зі пурпуровим тонером стандартної ємності
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
VersaLink C500/505 Картридж чорного тонера з надвисокою продуктивністю
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
VersaLinkC500/505 Високопотужний картридж з маджента-тонером
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.