How We Report

How We Report

In this report, we identify our process for prioritizing corporate social responsibility (CSR) topics that are relevant to our stakeholders and business. For our most material priorities, we include a description of our management approach including Xerox policies and programs through August 2018, unless otherwise noted. We also share the methods we use to evaluate our effectiveness in managing these topics. That often includes internal and external feedback we have received throughout the year. With this feedback and upon changing external dynamics, we modify our approach.

We are a performance-based, data-driven company in all areas, including CSR. We set goals, engage with stakeholders, join initiatives to make an impact and track our progress. In this report, we share this information. Throughout the year, we communicate updates on and social media (Xerox Facebook and Twitter accounts), external speaking opportunities with trade associations, industry consortiums and executive customer engagements.

This report is in accordance with the core reporting requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. A table linking the content of this report to the GRI Standards can be found here.

Much of the information in this report reflects the activities of Xerox in the countries where we do business. Some of our systems for collecting and reporting reliable social and environmental data, however, are for select operations. Where appropriate, we identify operations excluded from specific disclosures. Environmental data in this report is normalized to our financial performance utilizing company revenues as reported using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Energy and GHG emission data provided in this report was verified by a third party.

12th consecutive year Xerox named as one of the WORLD’S MOST ETHICAL COMPANIES by Ethisphere Institute