Corporate Social Responsibility Governance

The Corporate Governance Committee of the Xerox Board of Directors reviews significant corporate social responsibility matters. The Executive Management Committee, led by our CEO, retains overall discretion for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as part of the business strategy.

The CSR Council, comprising senior executives who manage a specific CSR topic area, has centralized oversight of the corporation’s management approach, including policies, goals, strategies and actions to drive progress. The CSR Council is guided by a senior executive from the Executive Management Committee. Each CSR Council leader is supported by individuals with expertise and experience in a CSR topic area.

The primary mission of the CSR Council is to drive strategies having a customer-centric impact across Xerox globally to advance our legacy of leadership in corporate citizenship. Actions taken meet the expectations of our stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, regulators and communities worldwide. Our governance model is characterized by forward thinking, an awareness of current and trending stakeholder requirements and knowledge of industry best practices. We advance our CSR agenda using the expertise, skills and passion of our employees and the historical knowledge acquired from years of striving for CSR excellence.

Assuming a lead role in sustainability requires a focused approach to drive the greatest value to our stakeholders and company. We utilize a materiality assessment to prioritize our activities.

Our sustainability leadership has been recognized by organizations such as Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Dow Jones and Ethisphere Institute.

Corporate policies and procedures pertaining to CSR include:

Learn more about our Enterprise Risk Management process. +

Our Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process, with oversight by the Xerox Board of Directors, strengthens our capability to assess, monitor and manage all categories of business risk, including climate change. Vital strategic and operational risks identified are approved by the Corporate Management Committee (CMC) and reviewed annually by the Board.

A risk mitigation plan, in which company leaders are assigned to each identified risk, is developed and reviewed by the CMC and the Board. The Business Ethics and Compliance Office and various Internal Control committees also monitor risk management and exposure. The Board of Directors regularly reviews the ERM profile and monitors the effectiveness of management policies and decisions, including risk management activities.

The Office of Global Government Affairs is responsible for tracking external developments, including climate change policy, and for determining if they are likely to affect Xerox products and operations. Through trade associations and partnerships, EHS&S tracks applicable regulations and policy changes that may affect the company. We develop processes, new technologies and products to counter the risks associated with external changes.

Our major operating units and key corporate functions (e.g., Risk Management, Real Estate) also are responsible for evaluating, monitoring and managing within their respective businesses site-specific risks that potentially affect Xerox’s ability to achieve its overall business objectives. The Business Continuity Assurance Process ensures business units are prepared for environmental risks.

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Standards and Programs
Standards are the means to implement our policies and guide employees and suppliers in complying with corporate policies. These worldwide principles, such as those for environment, health and safety, apply across Xerox and establish specific requirements for products, services and operations. We also have company-wide programs, such as Zero Injury, to engage employees worldwide.

Supply Chain Management
As a critical element of supply chain governance, we extend environment, health and safety requirements across our supply chain. Since 1998, we have asked our materials, electronics and component suppliers to meet specific criteria. Since 2006, we continue to be an active member in the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition’s (EICC) Code of Conduct to broaden our means for validating that suppliers are operating according to accepted industry standards. As an EICC member, we assess our own facilities, as well as suppliers, using established auditing protocol.

For more information, see the Supplier Relations section of this report.

Employee Engagement and Training
Employees and third-party contractors learn how our operations affect the environment and employee safety through training and internal communication. Beginning at our new hire orientation, employees are made aware of company-wide environment, health and safety requirements. Global programs, such as Energy Challenge, Environmental Faces of Xerox, Sustainable You, Xerox Earth Awards and Zero Injury, engage employees throughout the company. Regional Earth and Safety Fairs and Green Teams also help to communicate challenges, best practices and accomplishments.

Learn more about how we’re involving our employees in environmental efforts. +

Yammer, our internal social media network, lets our employees across the globe connect with each other. Through groups such as Living Green, Simply Well and Working Green, employees exchange information about the environment, safety and health. The Xerox Yammer network boasts nearly 12,600 employees worldwide.

The formation of local Green Teams provides employees who are part of a common work group or share a workspace with an opportunity to participate in our efforts. Team members work together to educate, support and seek process or site changes that will enable environmental improvements, cost savings or productivity improvements.

As appropriate, employees receive training on topics such as hazardous waste management, spill prevention and response, recycling and ISO 14001. In addition to regulations that require instruction, employees are trained on established safe job procedures based upon the job-specific hazards they may encounter and procedures and protective equipment they are expected to use. A significant number of procurement professionals participated in training on Xerox corporate sustainability goals to re-emphasize our Socially Responsible Purchasing Policy.

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Our environmental management policy is available on the Xerox internal website. We communicate environment, health and safety goals to all our operations and integrate those goals into processes for product development and services. Through our ISO 14001 environment management system, employees identify the environmental aspects associated with their responsibilities. Our Services facilities management personnel were introduced to our environmental sustainability and compliance programs and instructed on how to identify sustainability opportunities and perform regulatory applicability assessments. This training included both Xerox personnel and those from our third-party management company.

Stakeholder Outreach
We communicate with stakeholders about our corporate social responsibility policies and practices, such as our environment health and safety programs, goals and performance. Stakeholders include employees, customers, investors, universities, government agencies and environmental groups. We track inquiries and comments from customers and other stakeholders. Customers provide input through focus groups; we also tap into the larger community through participation in external organizations.

We regard our customers, employees and investors as strategic partners and stakeholders in all of our efforts. Since our earliest days, our engagements have been deeply rooted in education and the community. In progressing toward the goals of sustainability for own operations and those of our stakeholders, partnerships with regulatory agencies and academia play a crucial role ─ the government by legislating progressive policies and the academic world by driving fundamental innovation.

Learn more about our partnerships related to corporate social responsibility. +

To advance global efforts to improve the environment, Xerox partners with the following private and public organizations.

Currency Security Coalition Against Counterfeiting and Piracy
Currency Security Central Bank Counterfeit Deterrence Group (a consortium of 32 central banks and note-printing authorities) to assess threats to currency and support the use of anti-counterfeiting technologies
Data Privacy Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
Data Privacy European Union Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of personal data
Data Privacy The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework (designed by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the European Commission to provide companies on both sides of the Atlantic with a mechanism to comply with data protection requirements when transferring personal data from the European Union to the U.S. in support of transatlantic commerce); Xerox is working to self-certify under the Privacy Shield Framework by the end of 2017
Data Privacy Applicable U.S. federal and state privacy laws
Data Privacy ISO 27000 and the National Institute of Standards & Technology Cybersecurity Framework
Diversity NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Catalyst, A Better Chance, National Urban League
Diversity + Inclusion Minority Corporate Counsel Association
Diversity + Inclusion Human Rights Campaign
Diversity + Inclusion The Inclusion Initiative is committed to identifying and increasing opportunities for minority- and women-owned (MWBE) law firms
Diversity + Inclusion The National Minority Supplier Development Council’s (NMSDC) Corporate Plus Member Accreditation recognizes and raises awareness for deserving minority-led companies
Diversity + Inclusion  U.S. CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge
Diversity + Inclusion Women’s Business Enterprise National Council
Economic Imaging Consumables Coalition of Europe
Economic Imaging Supplies Coalition
Economic Development Committee for Economic Development, New York Economic Development Councils, Rochester (NY) Chamber of Commerce, Norwalk (CT) Chamber of Commerce, Business Council of Fairfield (CT) County
Education Xerox executives serve on a variety of university and non-profit boards helping set strategy, define policy and engage in public advocacy; we also partner with the National Academy Foundation, For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), Monroe Community College (NY) and the University of Rochester
Employee Benefits American Benefits Council
Employee Benefits The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Industry Committee
Export/Import Tier 3 Member of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) and participant in the E.U. Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program in the Netherlands and Ireland; as part of these memberships, we have adopted specific criteria for both our Supplier Security Requirements and internal security policies and standards
Export/Import Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA)
Policy and Advocacy Business Roundtable
Policy and Advocacy Business Council of Canada
Policy and Advocacy Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
Policy and Advocacy The Conference Board (U.S. and Canada)
Policy and Advocacy Digital Europe
Policy and Advocacy Emergency Committee for American Trade
Policy and Advocacy IT Alliance for Public Sector
Policy and Advocacy National Association of Manufacturers
Policy and Advocacy U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Policy and Advocacy Tax Reform Coalition
Science and Technology Cornell Tech, New York Hall of Science, NYU Tandon School of Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Social Responsibility Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)
Social Responsibility Corporate Eco Forum
Social Responsibility Eco-Patent Commons
Social Responsibility/Environment   Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) Advisory Council
Social Responsibility Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) 
Social Responsibility Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI)
Social Responsibility The Conference Board (U.S. and Canada) 

Charters and Principles

Procurement Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply Platinum Certification globally
Quality ISO 9001
Quality American National Standards Institute
Risk Management COSO II (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission)
Social Responsibility/Sustainability Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) Code of Conduct
Social Responsibility/Environment U.S. EPA SmartWay Transport Partnership, U.S. EPA WasteWise
Social Responsibility/Sustainability   Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI)
Social Responsibility/Environment ISO 14001
Non Discrimination CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion
Social Responsibility/Environment R2 Certification Standard for Electronics Recyclers

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