Employee Volunteerism

Employee Volunteerism

At Xerox, we believe a combination of financial and human resources can bring about greater change than either on its own. This philosophy is perhaps best represented by the Xerox Community Involvement Program (XCIP). This long-running, grassroots initiative backs the voluntary spirit of our employees with funding support from Xerox. In this way, we’re making the biggest difference in the communities where we live and work.

Since the program began in 1974, thousands of Xerox people have rolled up their sleeves and participated in projects that make their hometown a better place. In 2016, The Xerox Foundation invested more than $1.0 million in XCIP, enabling 10,000 Xerox people to participate in more than 900 projects.

More than $1.3 million was invested in our Community Involvement Program, enabling 12,000 Xerox people to participate in 800 projects in 2015

It doesn’t stop there. Outside of The Xerox Community Involvement Program, many Xerox people also give their time and talent to a wide variety of causes. Here are a few examples:

  • Xerox researchers and scientists participate in the Xerox Science Consultant Program, which sends our people into elementary schools to teach science to inquiring young minds and to ignite interest in science as a career.
  • Xerox lawyers provide pro bono work to a wide range of non-profit organizations.
  • People across Xerox — from the C-Suite to the factory floor — volunteer to help make our world a better place, whether by giving their time to a corporate board or by rolling up their sleeves and packing boxes for a holiday food and gift drive.